Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Rabbit Day.

I say that with the full recognition that the easter bunny thing is the fiscal holiday and does not have any basis in the religious sense..

In general I pass on all organized religion. It's always seems to come down to My GAWD is, the GAWD, and your "god" is some perversion or worse. So in the end we have the fundies, be they Islamic, Catholic, or any of the other smaller but equally vocal we have it right and you are all sadly wrong types. It's pretty sad as the only count that makes any sense at all is th numbers of "faithfull" that have died in the name of "their religion", and continue to die I might add. If all that effort were put to something truly useful we would have beaten drought, famine and diseases of poverty. Not likely to happen though that would mean helping the heathens, infidels, perverts or unclean and we can't have that. Of course we also have the "they can't help what they are" mindset where the help is rendered because they are so obviously broken and we'll tolerate their sick notions till we cure them. In the end religion and das-gov are both the same as they serve themselves and not those that empowered them.

So Happy Rabbit Day.

Keep your powder dry. Eck!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Hey fellas I'm Back...


Good, Fast, Cheap Pick any two .

That speaks to the compromises of design. technology limits you to building with whats available, and cost to develop technology is high and the quality of the result is alway in question. However fast is rarely speed like cars or computers but development time. Sometimes getting there first with less innovative but solid tech is a good path, sometimes not.


Good, Fast, Cheap We balanced the parameters ofthe product and the customers desires and those customers are excited with the result.

More likely they are bored, annoyed with strangely mixed features or they already have three like it. Reality has not ventured there or at best the visit was fleeting.


Good, Fast, Cheap Yes sir/maam we have them all.

The boundary of truth and fiction was blurred by marketing but sales would never know it if it hit them in the face. The scary part is they are the consumers interface.

Das gov:

Good, Fast, Cheap We need three bids and through out the low, high, people we don't like and screw around with those that can actually do it. Then we create a set of requirements that border on the absurd and complain about the cost which those requirements have made even more costly. No matter there is an unlimited source of the needed supplies, taxpayers. Besides theres a "police action" in effect.

Foreign gov:

Good, Fast, Cheap we know dollars, send many, send trade.

Big banking:

Good, Fast, Cheap we are never fast or cheap but our stock holders demand good. Good in our case is the only metric known, profit.

Folks, if you aren't a government or a bank your screwed. One hint for the paper shufflers, if you more than 80% financed over all there is a word for that, crash. The next depression is likely to involve a lot of very sorry McMansion owners. Heres another chapter of history to be relived. This time I'm old enough to have seen the depressions of the 70s. Again we watch the stock market and the financial institutions with great interest as those of us that know it are watching all the deregulation and civil rights limiting acts of anarchy that made life so "interesting".

So batten down the hatches, keep your heavy weather gear handy, get you life preserver and pray, the sea is starting to shift.


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I'm a big fan of science fiction, not that stuff that is fantasy thats a different thing. One of the best SF was B5. Why? I never failed to end up thinking a bit, and there are a few things that stick with me..

"Breen. You've managed to import breen from homeworld. How?"
"It .. isn't actually Breen."
"But the smell, the taste..."
"It's an Earth food. They are called Swedish meatballs. It's a strange thing, but every sentient race has its own version of these Swedish meatballs. I suspect it's one of those great universal mysteries which will either never get explained or which will drive you mad if you ever learned the truth."

-- Na'kal and G'Kar in Babylon 5: "Walkabout"

I always took that as a comment on how despite our global differences and all we as a species have a lot in common. Most of it's centered around surviving, having a life and maybe even doing some good. With all that in mind how is it that there are people who seem bent on destroying others because of ethnic, sex, sexual preference or just about anything difference that can be identified. There are those that would create laws to criminalize that and I tend to be for it but why even have to? Likely because those nuts would try to kill or maim if they thought they could get away with it. They claim it's it's doGs word, seems there are too many opinions of something that is just a word of mouth hand me down and a history of the old world that's less than pretty. But in the end it's using history or tradition as an excuse to abuse, hate or hurt.

I figure that light a few fires...


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Duck and cover...

A while back there was Babylon 5:

Who are you?

What do you want?

Where are you going?

Who do you serve and who do you trust?

I think about those questions from time to time. The answers for me are very personal
but I'm comfortable with the answers. It serves to remind me who I am and where I need
to get to. It's fair reality check.

When I apply those questions to the world and especially the government I really don't like what I see. Das-gov is certainly reality, but real? No 'fraid not. We have a wag the dog going and all sorts of off center types trying to make USA the land of the free and all that into a fundamentalist socialist nanny state complete with all the negative vestiges of old feudal lords and status. The only good news is there are enough of the radicals sufficiently opposed they usually and hopefully nullify each other. The scary part is status quo is never stable for long and the only constant is change. Change is good but with an environment where just plain nuts seems to have sway that delicate balance fails. Thats where my head was at 30 years ago and you know what? The nuts are winning. Seems they were adopted by the corrupt and as long as the nuts utter "DOG's book says so" they feel it's right to do wrong. Some how the up coming elections may make the long hot summer seem like just a minor heatwave. For those of you that don't remember the riots or maybe you born long after them maybe reading history is worth a bit of time as repeating it really sucks.

So where is it all going? Beats me but I'm training myself to do things I would have never considered and making sure I'm good enough to win. As they say in some camps, keep the bore clean, shot handy and the powder dry.

Oh, and keep your damn head down when the shit flies.
Unless you want your name to be "casualty".


Sunday, March 2, 2008

tap tap tap... Testing ahh testing testing HElloooooooo echo echooo echooooooooooo.

Seems to work. It's random wazzzup day.

Anywho over the last few weeks das-gov shoots a errant mostly bored spysat down and all is forgotten. Not likely. I'm sure the other guys noted that. One wonders what the micro-evil empires are thinking of that? Me I wonder how much more orbiting space junk there is from that to muck up other Sats and maybe manned missions? Eck hopes all that trash falls down quickly.

On a different channel we have our well paid federal officials some even work. Getting them to do anything takes an act of dog or at least something they can gain recognition for toward their real job after retirement. It would seem writing their boss might work but then even he/she would have to do his or her job and well we have a paradox. The paradox is who will work, why and when. Someday or in the federal case some daze. They do seem in a daze.

All in all watching the government at work is sorta like observing the small head, every so often
it puffs up and gets all sorts of attention. In the end it's just a little thing.

Another moment of curious boredoom from
