Quoted from elsewhere and generally like many...
"We've been locked down long enough. Protect the elderly and let the younger go and get passed this thing once and for all. Covid is not a death warrant for the young!"
Well, isn't that cute. You selfish turd!
So lets protect the elderly, those with mostly likely a third of their lives
still ahead. One fucking question asshat? HOW? There is no treatment
other than keep 'em alive and hope, no vaccine. And if the rate does not
slow down maybe no hospital bed either.
The young (under 40) are not safe. Just fewer die, isn't that great. So no your not
assured you will die but you may loose the lottery.
But be of good cheer you may live at home with elders or insist on visiting them
and and if you are lucky to get it with minor effect they still are very likely to get
it with major effect. So that means:
You get to grieve, thought not see them die, or maybe even buried.
You may get to be a orphan.You got your inheritance, must have wanted that. Enjoy!
In the end your brought the bug home and that makes YOU responsible.
Ponder that, what you did, and its result.
There is no "past this thing". It has every look of the polio epidemics
where every year parents had to worry their kids would get it and maybe
not survive it. Even with the first vaccine it took nearly a decade to
slow it down to a crawl.
everyone out there has your back.