Monday, September 11, 2023

Haters, jihad, fundamentalism....

 22 years ago...

I watched in horror as buildings burned, then fell.  Many thousands died.   Terrorists as they were called practicing their brand of political inspired fundamentalism.  In my minds eye its vivid and unforgettable. I do not say I will remember like it requires effort to do so.  As part of my life I remember. 

If there is one thing notable about getting old is you see the cycles of life and politics.  Of course it helps to have been paying attention.  The cycles are mixed in that some are good others not at all good.  The sneak attack of 9/11 mirrors many that occurred before in that if one was really deeply paying attention it was not a surprise.  However time has a corrosive property to memory and, we are surprised.

So this 9/11 what new surprises are there?  We still have political motivated fundamentalism and it is pernicious as ever, and its home grown.  Still people die from it and its poison is infiltrating the government.  They are trying to make America in their image.   Are we watching them, of course not.  We've seen it before,

So the names change and their means, but the haters, jihadists, and fundamentalists are still about and if you not one of the accepted groups. 

That said;  those that do not pay attention to history are plagued with living it over.

More than ever keep you head down and watch out.


Monday, June 12, 2023

Apartheid, USA version

The systemic  implementation and maintenance of legalized segregation in which one group is deprived of political and civil rights.  Apartheid is the name for that.

It can be race or gender but in the end its creating an institutional separation and denial of rights. 

It also includes the government taking a seat in the doctors office. 

So keep your head down and watch for the propaganda.


Thursday, June 1, 2023

Segregation, is alive and well

 note this:

Segregation is the action of separating people, historically on the basis of race and/or gender. Segregation implies the physical separation of people in everyday activities, in professional life, and in the exercise of civil rights.

stolen from

segregation, separation of groups of people with differing characteristics, often taken to connote a condition of inequality.

The latter being simplified but really the same thing.  What we think when we hear the word is the old school race segregation.  However in current era this refers to anyone being denied rights universally  and formerly granted to others in the USA.  In reference this is are talking Women, LGBTQ, and along list that covers sex, beliefs, ethnic history, and religion.  

So we consider a minority that has veto power over a majority because of, well anything, though the alt right has focused on children, those that can have children, anything gender based, and the truth.  Truth has become by the actors malleable, and is lost.

With this in effect and being pushed on everyone by the government or by complicit government we have a oppressive activity  and it segregates groups of people.  

I thought we ended this shit. 

Keep your head down and eyes open.


Monday, May 22, 2023

Its official, Florida is a third world state...

 Get your shots before going and also be sure your not some of those disallowed persons.

Why do that?  Florida has the same status as a larger bunch of third works shit hole countries.  Of course we have  few others trying for the same status and they are well known red states.

Its a damn shame. The RQP is broken and they poison everything the touch.

So keep you stuff hidden and head down and whatever you do don't go there.


Saturday, April 22, 2023

Texas, is for stupid

 Those fools forget Pharaoh, and will pronounce the plagues they will fall to..

Its likely the same theology that the profess will not be the orthodoxy they empowered.   

So bring it, the stupidity of greed and power will be their own source of infighting.

Heads down people.


Saturday, April 1, 2023

Rethugs, Qthugs, and asshats

 While in the past I had a thing for DasGov being mostly idiots its was mostly misplaced as it was selective portions of DasGov that was mostly broken.  The fiends on the right did what they claimed was good and broke it more.

So the only think I can say about them is they live and thrive on hate.

So its not so much they do terrible things, its that when they do it we are unsurprised.  Indeed we have such low expectations of them and they do the worst.


Keep you head down, they are dangerous.


Tuesday, February 14, 2023

A special loss

 The late afternoon of Feburary 9th I lost that person that helped me be a better person , was the love of my life, made the last 43 years interesting and exciting.  My wife E, was the friend and someone to be with and I miss her so.   Good bye and never forgotten.

Today is Valentines day, I have only close friends to celebrate it with now.

So that day will forever be marked with remembrance.


Tuesday, January 3, 2023

You are being lied to, Still!

The great lie has a following and some of the greatest since the 1930s America First.   It has been 80 years same and still the play book.  

First they are fascist, the extreme right believes your rights are an inconvenience.

One of the first steps to Fascism is ultra nationalism.

Mixing government intertwined with religion.

Human rights are suspended or adjusted.

Scapegoats are found and named.

Control the media.

Obsessed with security of the nation.

The criminal element has a plan to seek revenge.

And it just goes on.   They lie to get you on their side.  They do not want to "own the libs" its about outright grab to make the libs the scapegoat and lie about what or who they are.

The arts and any other prohibited speech are being designated as designated profane or unacceptable in our schools and colleges.  

In a free country dissenting opinions are allowed.

So as before keep you powder dry and you head down.
