Saturday, April 22, 2023

Texas, is for stupid

 Those fools forget Pharaoh, and will pronounce the plagues they will fall to..

Its likely the same theology that the profess will not be the orthodoxy they empowered.   

So bring it, the stupidity of greed and power will be their own source of infighting.

Heads down people.


Saturday, April 1, 2023

Rethugs, Qthugs, and asshats

 While in the past I had a thing for DasGov being mostly idiots its was mostly misplaced as it was selective portions of DasGov that was mostly broken.  The fiends on the right did what they claimed was good and broke it more.

So the only think I can say about them is they live and thrive on hate.

So its not so much they do terrible things, its that when they do it we are unsurprised.  Indeed we have such low expectations of them and they do the worst.


Keep you head down, they are dangerous.
