Well the season for more lies and fantasy. We know the sources they are of that list is formed by members of the ridiculous right. I do not repeat their claims as it would be a free echo chamber for them. They deserve no one repeating their lies and shaded truths.
Rethugs, any lie is a good one. We know we invented them all. Your task, as useful tools is to repeat that. Party of chaos and disorder.
We have the book burners... We are protecting our children... ok so they are really yours and we are from an entirely different state. We are protecting 1A but picking on other parts of 1A. The lie of it all. What your children may read is by their decree. If you buy books make them used and in cash.
The anticlimate deniers... Freezing our asses proves the climate warming is false. Those that ignore science will continue to cause others to die form it.
Religious talibanists, all this is happening because of your sin... as they sin more. Its just a cult complete with poison koolaid. Their hypocritical actions are toxic.
Lest we forget those true believers of conspiracies. Small weak minds that believe in all manner of the impossible, unlikely and just plain stupid.
So with all that going on keep your head down, they want to rent space in it.