Wednesday, February 26, 2025

2008 and now we still ask...

 A while back there was Babylon 5:

Who are you?

What do you want?

Where are you going?

Who do you serve?
And who do you trust?

I think about those questions from time to time. The answers for me are very personal
but I'm comfortable with the answers. It serves to remind me who I am and where I need
to get to. It's fair reality check.

We are back to that and how it applies to those around us.  When I look at the people claiming the positions of government and its application is far ranging as it would seem the Constitution is an annoying document. 

Its the answer to the last two questions that are disturbing.  If would seem who they serve is not the Constitution and the people but to the felon-47.  That is one of the basic tenants of fascism, populism and loyalty to a person not the people.

As to who we trust that's where the damage is.  Destroy trust in media, groups, friends.  Where does it stop.

So its a point where we ask.  

Where are you going?  Crickets!  They don't know. They had a plan, based on lies, and are in limbo trying to figure out where to go.

What do you want?  To be unmolested maybe, not going to happen.

Who are you?  Seems that's a large and growing group that made a foolish choice for something that they will not get as they selected a lie.

There is another question.
Do you have anything worth living for?

Keep your head down, its going to get sporty if they have their way.


Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Different take...

 Rather than we warned you.  Too late now for that.    I'm going with:

For those screaming the face eating animals are coming for them.

He lied to you and it is going to hurt.  What are you going to do about it?

One thing I always said was if you vote you have the right bitch about the results.  Now that you voted you get to deal with the result.  You get to complain, and do something about it.

So the poke is they lied about THEM, and by the way you are THEM.

Usual suggestion, keep your powder dry and you head down.  Stay safe.
